It IS Rocket Science
One of
Crowley's helpful hints to a student in O.T.O. regarding ushering in his
professed new age of liberty and light,was to encourage his protege Jack
Parsons, the rocket science magus who developed jet propulsion and
worked with the young L. Ron Hubbard as a ceremonial magician, to bring
through Babalon, the spirit of the unrepentant whore who rides through Revelation 17:3-5. Parsons was to do this through an VIIIth Degree magical working of O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis).From Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon, by Paul Rydeen, an excellent tract on this affair:
"Parsons wrote Crowley, "I have diligently followed the VIIIth Degree instructions as (a) creation of new orders of beings with consecrated talismanic images... Possible connective result: increase in writing output; (b) Invocation of Mother Goddess... The rite ended with Parsons commanding the spirit to appear in human form...
On February 23, 1946 Parsons triumphantly wrote to Crowley, "I have my elemental! She turned up one night after the conclusion of the Operation, and has been with me since." The Elemental was Marjorie Cameron.
Then:Which brings us to the witch, Marjorie Cameron. Parsons was disenchanted with human relationships and sexuality and wanted to bring forth an elemental mate made manifest through a human woman. He and Hubbard worked magic and materialized Marjorie Cameron through an acquaintance that brought her by their residence, the Pasadena house that Parsons had inherited from his father. Cameron went on to become Parsons' wife and priestess.
[Early March 1946]... Parsons recorded in a letter to Crowley... "I believe it was the result of the IXth Degree working with the girl who answered my elemental summons. I have been in direct communication with the one who is most Holy and Beautiful... I cannot write the name at present." Secretly he did write her name. He called her Babalon. ...In Liber 49 Babalon says she is the incestuous daughter of Nuit and Horus. Her avatar on earth is the Scarlet Woman.
Parsons was greatly affected by working #VIII-which produced Cameron-who from then on participated in his O.T.O. magic. Parsons was determined to produce the magical child, a.k.a. moonchild, a.k.a homunculous. Rydeen's book quotes from Crowley's Moonchild to explain the concept:
[magicians, alchemists]... wanted very much to produce a man who should not be bound up in his heredity...
...they started in paraphysical ways...they repudiated natural generation altogether... ...made figures of brass, and tried to induce souls to indwell them. ...
...other magicians sought to make this Homunculous in a way closer to nature... ... they had conjurations that they thought capable of doing this... ... they would be able to cause the incarnation of beings of infinite knowledge and power, who would be able to bring the whole world into Light and Truth."
There are several versions of how Parsons , Hubbard and Crowley (died in 1947) attempted to create the moonchild through the use of the atomic detonations - the blasts being a way to blow a hole in the fabric of reality, that, combined with incantations, and possibly an organic host formed from human tissue and fluids, would be the necessary formula for this fabrication. This bit of hocus pocus is historically recorded as fact, by the way.
After a long downward spiral, during which Parsons lost everything, he was blown up in a 'mysterious' explosion in his home laboratory. That someone who played around with demonic forces and named himself the antichrist after taking the 'Oath of the Abyss' would die in a horrible and torturous manner does not seem illogical, however. Parsons was blown up in a mercury fulminate explosion that tore up part of his jaw, tore off his arm, broke the other one and both of his legs, but he did not die until another 45 minutes had passed, and it has been hinted at that his death may likely have been a sacrifice to his goddess Babalon. As his partner in magic and scribe for a time, L. Ron Hubbard, poetically channeled years before Parsons' death:
"She is the flame of life, power of darkness, she destroys with a glance, she may take thy soul. She feeds upon the death of men... She will absorb thee, and thou shalt become living flame before she incarnates."How like the famous quote by Robert Oppenheimer upon the detonation of the first atomic bomb at the Trinity site:
The sight of the terrible apparitional mushroom cloud climbing into the heavens made Oppenheimer remember a line from the Bhagavad Gita: ‘Now I am become death, the destroyer of the worlds’ (BhG.XI.32).
Apparently those with their fingers on the triggers all have occult philosophies somewhere at the core of their thinking. Nice.
Time Will Tell
The thing to be considered for me in knowing about the Babalon working and the invocation of both the Goddess Babalon (who is likened to Nuit, Kali, Isis, etc.) and the creation of a magical person formed by art, not by God, is what did they bring through the veil? Because if they summoned Babalon, who has been illustrated well enough through the journals of Jack Parsons, Crowley and Hubbard into this world, and 'she' is here, that means that the spirit of all that she embodies and her role in the Apocalypse is alive in the world and aiding to unfold the journey of the end of life as we know it. When magicians rend the fabric of time and space, they do so against the forces of nature, not with them, and that which occurs is likely to go, as they say, sideways - the result being unpredictable, uncomfortable, disastrous. As one of the article links points out - to blow apart time, space and primordial matter is to blow apart the union of opposites. This is what is required to usher in the spirit of rebellion - the one against the other. That is the spirit of Luciferianism - the all war, all unrest, all chaos, -all the time channel.
A lot has been written about Marjorie Cameron, and there is a strong revival of interest in her art work, a new biography, etc. She is considered by the arty and occult-oriented, who are often one and the same nowadays, as a chic, creative force and a kind of early feminist, in that she was a champion of women's personal liberation and sexual liberation. Her life in retrospect was besieged with financial problems, and as an artist by frustration and obscurity; she eventually remarried after Parsons - and conceived a daughter with a mentally ill guy who committed suicide (Note to self: She was also a 'successful magician'). Cameron was featured in a brief article in W magazine ( Fashion bible of the Jet Set, I've read). News Flash: Hollywood, L.A. and the entertainment industry are influenced by occultism and witchcraft.
On the heels of the Babalon working of the late 1940s came the counter-cultural revolutions of the 1960s, often characterized, if not deified, as a wildly creative rebellious period of US history - the war between the sexes, the generation gap, sexual revolution, black power, conservative against liberal - its main dynamics were in the spirit of rebellion - pitting people against each other and eroding that which had traditionally bonded people together. It is interesting, to me at least, that Rydeen, in his book Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon, throws in a quote that Jim Morrison made to an interviewer, I'd have to guess sometime in the late 60s, as there is no citation mentioned in the book:
Compare Jim Morrison's remark to an interviewer that the air around us is full of spirits. "They know we exist, and envy us our bodies."
A Bit of Testimony*
I became a born-again Christian at the end of 2012, beginning of 2013, in large part because of my many supernatural experiences, which I was just too dense to "get" for almost my entire life up until recently, in 2015. I stupidly thought that spiritual warfare occurred between two beings; I thought that "I" was fighting the out-of-body attacker. I no longer believe in practicing astral travel, depth psychology, reincarnation, astrology, numerology, tarot, kabbalah, channeling or anything of that nature, except as devices of satan and the dark side. Yes, I believe in a literal satan/lucifer/devil and I don't care if the world thinks that I am crazy, stupid, etc. My beliefs are based on my own experiences and the experience of salvation as offered and given to me by Jesus Christ. Astral travel is powered by demons, who want you cut loose in their spiritual worlds (the lower heavens) so they can destroy you physically, mentally and spiritually. I, (and anyone around me) have only been protected from demonic malice and shenanigans by the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that takes up residence and indwells in those who call upon the Lord; that is where the glory goes, and it is that which has saved me from destruction, death and from being lost forever spiritually, countless times, and countless other times that I don't even know about. May God bless anyone reading this and may you find the Truth of God, soon, before your time is up.